Revival Starters
Here are some conditions that are need to be met:
1. There has to be hungry hearts -no, STARVING hearts- wanting to bring to the throne of God lost souls.
2. There has to be a level of commitment that drives you to stake a claim of faith and refuse to be denied.
3. Your drive for revival has to ride on the wheels of repentance. Without that, all the prayers are in vain. Your engine is running, but you won’t go anywhere.
4. Prayer can’t be frivolous, and reading the Word can’t be superficial. There has to be an intensity that is rare in Christianity today. Witness without prayer is like an engine without a car.
5.That intensity in reading and prayer brings a holy boldness to hit the streets, or anywhere there is people, to witness to souls everywhere — but it HAS to be done in the Spirit, under the anointing, or it will have no effect. (And that comes from the reading, praying, fasting)
6. Witness from the depths of your soul! Prayer without witness is like a car without an engine.
Believe God!
So how do you get to that level of intensity and fire?
It doesn’t come easy. That’s where commitment comes in.
Our job is to pray for God to prepare our hearts. Only God can stir up lost hearts into a hunger for Truth, and only He can give them Holy Ghost convictions to the place where they are ready to get saved. “If the fish ain’t hungry, they won’t take the bait.”
You can do this. The blueprint is in Joel chapter 2. God will move if you will move first.
It takes a lot of work and perseverance … and the faith to keep driving into the Throne until He moves. Very few have that much drive, which is why so many Christians settle for “church as usual”. It is so much easier! Don’t let the devil discourage you. Are you ready for the ride?